πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ CSD Berlin 2023

Anna is way to late in writing this blog post but Anna and the Artemis system (loved ones) went to the Christopher Street Day in Berlin this year, which took place on , starting at . This was Anna’s first time going to any pride event. It was so awesome seeing all the other queer people. She even saw a classmate there briefly. Hundreds of thousands of people probably having been there (Wikipedia says 700000 people attended in 2012), even if some of them were not from Berlin, makes it a significant portion of the population of Berlin. This makes Anna confident in herself, because there are many people like her.

However, all the trucks driving in between the marching people were sponsored heavily by lots of corporations and no one really likes corporate pride. I guess for the corporations it was a big advertisement. They were even giving out lots of free Coke. We were given some flyer advocating for a less corporate CSD Berlin that stands up for all sorts of minorities and anti-capitalism but Anna can’t find the flyer anymore. Anna wants to support that kind of direction but isn’t sure who is gonna finance CSD then. Anna had this thought that the corporations must be making a profit with the advertisement, so if all people who bought their products instead donated to CSD, that would make the corporate sponsors unnecessary. Not sure how this would work out…

People at CSD having had so many cool, cute, hot, … outfits makes Anna wanna do something for the next CSD. She is worrying about it being expensive and much work though. Anna has never even done makeup. For the next CSD (Anna definitely wants to go again, it was so much fun) she might get some ear plugs because it was really loud. All the trucks had speakers and were playing different music at the same time. This was annoying and confusing. You couldn’t really enjoy any one of the songs. A lot of times, Anna held her ears shut, preventing her from holding hands with people from the Artemis system though. Therefore we went further ahead, out of the truck music’s reach.

Time to show you some images of it all. A selfie of Anna with the pride event in the backround. There's lots of people, traffic lights and one 4 story high white corner building behind Anna. It's quite sunny. original image, not downscaled and more compressed The start of the march with a big pink banner that has the German equivalant of β€žWe're not here for fun!β€œ writting on it. They're walking on a big street with glass buildings and trees behind them. original image, not downscaled and more compressed A half-cloud blue sky and lots of people with all sorts of pride flags marching on the street. Some are holding the flags on a pole, others are wearing flags as a cape. There's yellow buildings and trees in the background. original image, not downscaled and more compressed